Episode 26: "Extras"

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Well hellooooooo fellow Anglophiles! Welcome to season five of our wee passion project. Gosh. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? (And by “a minute,” we kinda mean “a century.”)

How are you? How’s your family? How’s your job? Are you working from home? Have you baked any bread? It seems like no one shares any photos of sourdough starters that turn black or refuse to rise. You’d think that we’d at least start bein’ more honest on social media, right? “I tried to make freakin bread but ended up with a jar a watery glue. #QuarantineLife.”

Listen. You’ve known us for awhile. You know we have a knack for making everything about politics and horniness. Well, now that we’re sheltering in place in the midst of a global pandemic in a country full of people who aren’t afraid to shoot ya in the face for wearing a mask…I mean, let’s just say that the politics and horniness are more rampant than ever. We both hate Trump. We both know Covid-19 is real. We both live alone. You get the idea.

Before you listen to our discussion of Ricky Gervais’s beloved Extras, there’s something we’d like to mention. We began recording this season of the podcast in late January, and by the time we were finished recording and editing the first three episodes, the world had completely changed. Remember The Wedding Singer? Remember when Robbie plays Julia the song he wrote for his fiancée who left him standing at the altar?

Julia: “Have you written anything lately?”

Robbie: “Yeah, I guess.”

Julia: “Will you play if for me?”

Robbie: “You don’t wanna hear it. It’s not good.”

Julia: “No, I’m sure it is.”

Robbie: “It’s just that I wrote half of it when I was with Linda and I wrote the other half after we broke up, so it’s a little uneven, ya know?”

Julia: “I don’t mind. I’d like to hear it.”

Robbie: “…Yeah, all right.”

Julia: “Yay!”

“…and when I think of you, Donald…”

Do episodes one through three sound that different from episodes four through six? Maybe not. Still, you’ll notice there’s not a single mention of the pandemic until episode four, and we would hate for any of you lovelies to misinterpret that as insensitivity on our part. Trust us — we were living in a different world. One could say we were still in 2020 BC: Before Covid. While those times still weren’t exactly a walk in the freakin’ park, you could at least use that expression without having an internal debate about whether or not a walk in the park is socially irresponsible. All we’re saying is that now that we’re living in 2020 Anno Donald Trump Couldn’t Have Failed Us More If He Tried, these first few episodes may sound oddly chipper. That’s all.

So. Shall we start season five? We think we shall.

Much love, fellow Anglophiles.